Refund Policy

Refund Guidelines

If you decide to cancel a registration, please notify the Recreation Department as soon as possible prior to the program starting date. If you give sufficient notice of cancellation, the Recreation Department may be able to give you a full or partial refund. There will be a $10 processing charge for all refunds given. If you cancel your registration for a program for which the Recreation Department has paid deposits, purchased equipment or incurred other expenses on your behalf; your refund, if any, will be reduced by the amount of the expenses incurred. Refunds take 2-4 weeks to process. If payment was made by check or cash, a check from the Town will be mailed. If paid by credit card, you credit card will be refunded. If you have an outstanding balance, the refund will be automatically applied to the balance. Please inquire about a refund at the time you cancel your registration.